
Okay, so this was posted by someone I know today. To me, this is the perfect example for why feminism is now viewed as man hating. This guys, granted could have been creeps, but more than likely saw a sad looking girl and thought to make her day. There was no creepy flirtation and he didn’t ask for her number, he merely wanted to make her feel beautiful and try to bring a smile to her face. Instead of a polite “thank you” and a dismissal (which would have been fine if you didn’t want anyone to talk to you” this poor guy received a “fuckboi” comment and a judgement based on what he was wearing and how he cut his hair. And the other guy probably saw an upset looking girl walking alone at night and wondered how he could help!

THIS is why guys have stopped paying compliments and trying to be gentlemen. What person wants to give someone a compliment if they’re going to be called a fuckboi for doing so!

Also, feminism is about equality. Regardless of dress or gender. This entire rant insults men for caring, insults what the guy chose to wear, and how he chose to present himself. THIS is why people think feminism is man hating. This is not feminism. This is simply someone being extremely rude for no reason to another person trying to care. If a girl had done these things there would be no ranting post.

This literally took a simple compliment and turned it into “women don’t exist for you”. Like…really? Are we that sensitive about being female? Relax!!!! Realize that not everyone is attacking your femininity!!!

Please share this, I truly am bothered by posts like the one below that are slowly killing the real point of feminism and gentlemen everywhere. We need to shed light on the fact that people are taking “feminism” and mutating it into something it was never meant to be.

Status Quo

I’m tired of dreaming.
I’m through with trying.
Tired of living, yet scared of dying.

Look again cuz here I go
leaving behind all I know.
Changing it all, screw the status quo

Wanting to run as fast as I can,
not stopping until I understand.
Why I can’t be my own biggest fan?

Like why did I let things get this way?
Why didn’t I leave yesterday?
This life isn’t just a game I’ll play

How are things going to be,
If There’s no more you and me.
If I let go what I wish came free


we struggle to have meaning
in this world which we all know
we try but yet we wonder
where we all should go
hidden in the questions
which we can not find
the answers are all hidden
deep inside our minds
hidden in our soul
is the life we try to hide
but in time it will find you
and it will release
all of its secrets hidden beneath
so before it ruins the life you have made
release those dark secrets
and the memories will fade
hidden in our lives are stories left untold
of the things we didn’t want them to know
but once you tell somebody
and make your feelings known
the struggle will be over
and you’ll finally be home

Curious One

“Don’t fall in love with a curious one. They will want to know who you are, where you come from, what your family was like. They will look through your photographs and read all of your poems. They will come over for dinner and speak to your mother about how their curiosity has taught them things of use to her. They will ask you to rant when you’re angry and cry when you’re hurt. They will ask what that raised eyebrow meant. They will want to know your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite person. They will ask why. They will buy that camera you liked, pay attention to that band you love in case there’s a show near by, they will get you the sweater you smiled at once. They’ll learn to cook your favorite meals. The curious people don’t settle for your shell, they want the insides. They want what makes you heavy, what makes you uneasy, what makes you scream for joy, and anger, and heartbreak. Their skin will turn into pages that you learn to pour out your entire being in. Don’t fall in love with the curious one. They won’t let a sigh go unexplained. They will want to know what they did. Exactly what they did to make you love them. Year, month, week, day. “What time was it? What did I say? What did I do? How did you feel?” Don’t fall in love with a curious one. They will unbutton your shirt and read every scar every mark every curve. They will dissect your every limb, every organ, every thought, every being then walk back home and eat their dinner and never return your calls. You will never be their lifelong expedition. The heart is a mystery only for so long. There is no ache like loving a curious one who chases every falling star and never catching one. Who comes and sees and conquers and leaves. I’ve found myself a curious one. Maybe one day he will take the train back home and be curious enough to read one last message from the one who held his curiosity, carved on a seat. “There’s a curiosity in you that will move mountains some day as effortlessly as you’ve moved me.”


Tearful Eyes

The mirror laughed, it gleaned my thoughts
Seeing me cry out my wants
Synthetic views, pathetic clues
To how I tick and now you taunt
You soulless reflection of my own self esteem
Despite the lows I still let myself dream

That I can be a mighty hero wise
Saving others from sure demise
That I could be a light in the black
The one who knows the right track
That I could be a princess, or better a queen
Living with a soul wiped clean
Through the bends in the twisted road
Honor and respect on me bestowed
I could be a woman of grace
Who in this world has earned her place

But I will fade in my own lies
Returning to my conscious state
Fathoming my remote disguise
Wondering if dreaming is too late
My dreams still reach to the skies
If I could see through tearful eyes


Broken Boy

He wore a story across his face
Head bowed down, so out of place
Scars always run deeper than we see
All he wanted was to feel free
From the looks, questioning eyes
But he’s always ready with new lies
Stories to spin because the truth is too dark
The way it aches and twists in his heart
A busted vase, mama’s new flowers
The nightmares come in waking hours
Family was a truth too painful to share
And in the end would anyone care
The boy that didn’t feel wanted, he felt a “mistake”
He knew someday he’d finally break
In those houses that were never a home
The family was busy and left him alone
His relationship with family was never stable
The loving part of him was never able
It wasn’t for him to understand
Now it’s almost too late, people be damned
He sits here, day after day
Looking for a new reason to stay
Hoping that someone will love him as is
Because this choice, it was never his
The scars in his heart grow hard to bear
And he just longs for someone to be there
To trust just one person to not destroy
To love without question, this perfect broken boy


Mask Wearer, mask wearer, tell me what you see
When you spy your reflection, can you say “that’s me”?
Mask wearer, mask wearer, of the real you are there traces?
Or have you lost yourself in your see of different faces?
Mask wearer, mask wearer, why do you hide?
Are you afraid of having nothing left inside?
Mask wearer, mask wearer, let yourself be free
To show that you have value “just being me”

Mask Wearer

20 Things About Growing Up

1. You don’t have to go out drinking every night. I know this might be hard to hear, but college doesn’t last forever and you can’t act like a frat child for the rest of your life. What are you trying to prove? I know that when we turn 21, it seems like drinking is the most adult thing you can do, but the more adult thing is to remember you have to work in the morning and make money. There’s this thing called rent. You have to pay it, which is hard to do if you’re always spending it on booze, Charlie Sheen. 

2. You need to learn to admit when you’re wrong. Accepting our mistakes and our flaws is a crucial part of getting older and understanding that we aren’t perfect. You aren’t perfect. Nothing is perfect. Life is easier when you accept it for the hot mess it is and the hot mess you are. This often involves the deflation of pride and an inflation of humility. 

3. You can’t do everything. When you’re in college you have all of these opportunities readily available, and you want all of them. Why be one thing when you grow up when you can be seven? But eventually, you’re going to have to decide what you want to be for the rest of your life and commit to what’s truly important. It sounds terrifying, and it is. But you get the best gift out of it: discovering yourself.

4. You’ll never figure it all out. I once asked my mother how old she was when she figured out her life, and she erupted in laughter, wiping actual tears from her eyes. She told me that most people never do, and that’s okay. Most of everything in the universe is beyond your comprehension. How could your life be any different? But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy of our awe and rapture. That’s precisely what makes life beautiful: our ability to be humbled by a world and a God that’s bigger than us.

5. No one cares if you’re popular. I’m sure it mattered when you were in high school, but life isn’t high school. There’s no prom in the real world, and it doesn’t matter how many friends you have on Facebook or who comes to your birthday party. Which, odds are, you will be spending in your dorm room wondering if birthdays hold any value other than thrusting you further into the hole that is adulthood. What matters are the people who are in your life, whether it’s 10,000 Twitter followers or your best friend, Leslie. Being cool as an adult, when you aren’t rewarded for it by not getting pushed into a locker, is exhausting. Besides, I have been told when you grow up, you learn that the freaks and weirdoes have way more fun.

6. You can’t figure out who you are if you never leave your hometown. To all my friends back home in California, this isn’t meant to be a dig.  But have you ever heard a hero story that goes, “The hero grew up and never left home ever. The End.” No, that doesn’t happen. At some point, you need to move away or travel abroad in order to see how much of the world there is. You’ll never know who you are unless you strive to discover something outside of your own experience. To me, Ireland is a great place to start.

7. Your parents can’t support you forever. I know a lot of people who live at home right now because of the economy, and even they don’t treat their parents as an ATM. Being an adult is figuring out your own way, and enjoying your independence. Independent women take care of themselves and frost their own dollas, although I don’t know what that means.

8. Failing doesn’t make you a failure. It seems like everyone I know, including me, is so afraid of screwing anything up, as all those special interest summer camps and Muzzy tapes bred an army of perfectionists. But if you don’t fail at things, you’ll never learn how to handle disappointment or accept anything else other than what you thought you wanted. You might not get what you want, but a lot of the time, what you end up with is even better. Getting fired may turn out to be the best thing that could have happened to you.

9. You don’t have to spend a lot to look good. When you’re in high school or middle school, your sartorial worth is always attached to how much it cost you — or rather, your parents. “My parents had to mortgage our house for this dress. Doesn’t my ass look fantastic in it?”  You should be proud of saving the money you worked hard for and snagging a great find from the cute thrift store you’ve always wanted to visit. Personally I am in love with men’s oversized sweaters that come off of racks in thrift stores.If you want to compete about something, brag about how paid less. “I pulled this off a corpse in an alley! It probably has termites. Isn’t it great?”

10. You can’t please everyone. Repeat after me. “I can’t please everyone. I can’t please everyone. I can’t please everyone.” Now say it forty times. Either you’ll summon Bloody Mary or have a much happier life.

11. You’re going have to do some things you don’t want. Reach for the stars!  Well, it’s hard to do that if you can’t lift your arms because you are too poor to eat. Being an adult is realizing you can’t have everything all at once and working a couple crappy jobs while you get there. When you finally do get the job you want, the memories of that call center job will make you cherish it all the more. Or so I’ve heard.

12. However, don’t get trapped forever in a dead end job that you hate. I don’t have a ton of experience in this area but I do know a boring job can cause you to question the value of making minimum wage even if you have a car payment desperate to be paid. 

13. You need to make time for yourself.  You end up busy with work, friends, family, dating, and your trivia league, but how much down time do you have? When we get absorbed in our schedules and the hectic pace of our lives, we often forget how important it is to recharge or take “Me Time.” Take that yoga class, go for a solitary run every day or read a book in silence. But if you never take the time to live for yourself, you’ll never live.

14. Also, you’re not that busy. It seems like every twenty-something I know always wants to talk about how busy they are and brag about how they’re only running on two hours of sleep. Fuck that. I love sleep. I brag when I get too much sleep, and if I suddenly became Rip Van Winkle, I’d feel like the biggest playa alive. People in my age bracket are in this weird competition to see who has the most going on and who can do the most things without dying, and their schedules are always too important to include you. However, people who are truly interested in hanging out with you will make time for you no matter how busy they are — whether that’s today or later next week, when things calm down. You choose what to do with your time, and you can spend that time complaining about how you “never have free time” or use your whining time to make room for other people who aren’t your ego. Eureka!  Free time was here all along.

15. Adulthood sucks without friends to share it with. When you’re a kid, you have your family to form your core group and your support system, bring you soup when you’re sick and help put your heart back together when it gets broken. When you’re an adult, that’s what your friends and chosen family are for, the ones who will also get drunk and go watch Lincoln with you. They are there to love you unconditionally, and you better appreciate them for all the times they put up with you. You might not always deserve them, but they are there for you no matter what.

16. Otherwise, getting older is awesome. This could be its own article, but aging kind of rules. When you were a kid, you couldn’t stay up late, eat ice cream for breakfast or spend all night making out with some guy on the kitchen floor and in the bathroom and all over the sofa. 

17. Life doesn’t end at 30. I don’t know about you, but I’m stoked as hell for my thirties. I can’t wait to be more settled in my career and developing grey hair prematurely, because I suspect I’m going to be a silver fox. I want to ascend to the ranks of George Clooney and Anderson Cooper, who made going grey a panty dropper..

18. You don’t have to grow up all the way. When you’re an adult, you set your own rules about what that means to you, and just because you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s doesn’t mean you have to be a bastion of maturity all the time. You’re allowed to act like a big kid, get silly, still drink with the crazy straw and play laser tag. Why else do you think they have kickball leagues for adults? It’s because some things about childhood shouldn’t be left in the past. They’re fun for all ages. At least I hope so…because i plan on having an inner child for quite a long time.

19.. No one has it all. Whoever started this idea should be banished to the bowels of internet hell, which I imagine exists in the dark side of youtube. No one has it all. Not you. Not me. Not men, not women, not Barack Obama, not your rich Aunt Mable, not even Ash Ketchum had it all. (Mostly because every chance he got he set free, gave away or chose to not capture the Pokemon he came across. Don’t get me started. I could rant for awhile). Other people might seem to have everything, but I’m sure you have something they don’t, like a third nipple. Besides, I heard that Glenn Close once got explosive diarrhea in Europe. Don’t you feel better now? 

20. Make sure to have fun. Now is your chance! Before the burden of squalling spawn, before the aches and pains, before the onset of a full-time career…Have a little fun.