Broken Boy

He wore a story across his face
Head bowed down, so out of place
Scars always run deeper than we see
All he wanted was to feel free
From the looks, questioning eyes
But he’s always ready with new lies
Stories to spin because the truth is too dark
The way it aches and twists in his heart
A busted vase, mama’s new flowers
The nightmares come in waking hours
Family was a truth too painful to share
And in the end would anyone care
The boy that didn’t feel wanted, he felt a “mistake”
He knew someday he’d finally break
In those houses that were never a home
The family was busy and left him alone
His relationship with family was never stable
The loving part of him was never able
It wasn’t for him to understand
Now it’s almost too late, people be damned
He sits here, day after day
Looking for a new reason to stay
Hoping that someone will love him as is
Because this choice, it was never his
The scars in his heart grow hard to bear
And he just longs for someone to be there
To trust just one person to not destroy
To love without question, this perfect broken boy
