
Okay, so this was posted by someone I know today. To me, this is the perfect example for why feminism is now viewed as man hating. This guys, granted could have been creeps, but more than likely saw a sad looking girl and thought to make her day. There was no creepy flirtation and he didn’t ask for her number, he merely wanted to make her feel beautiful and try to bring a smile to her face. Instead of a polite “thank you” and a dismissal (which would have been fine if you didn’t want anyone to talk to you” this poor guy received a “fuckboi” comment and a judgement based on what he was wearing and how he cut his hair. And the other guy probably saw an upset looking girl walking alone at night and wondered how he could help!

THIS is why guys have stopped paying compliments and trying to be gentlemen. What person wants to give someone a compliment if they’re going to be called a fuckboi for doing so!

Also, feminism is about equality. Regardless of dress or gender. This entire rant insults men for caring, insults what the guy chose to wear, and how he chose to present himself. THIS is why people think feminism is man hating. This is not feminism. This is simply someone being extremely rude for no reason to another person trying to care. If a girl had done these things there would be no ranting post.

This literally took a simple compliment and turned it into “women don’t exist for you”. Like…really? Are we that sensitive about being female? Relax!!!! Realize that not everyone is attacking your femininity!!!

Please share this, I truly am bothered by posts like the one below that are slowly killing the real point of feminism and gentlemen everywhere. We need to shed light on the fact that people are taking “feminism” and mutating it into something it was never meant to be.